322aCool Room

  • Keg cool rooms should maintain a temperature range of 0 degrees Celsius to plus 1 degree Celsius. This temperature range will ensure the specified C02 content is held in solution at the correct levels. Beer stored at these temperatures will generally remain stable when dispensed.




321aGlycol Chilled Water

  • Glycol chilled water reservoir tanks should maintain a temperature range of minus 2 degrees Celsius to minus 4 degrees Celsius. This temperature range will help maintain the correct beer line operating temperature from the keg cool room to the point of dispense minimising any warming and C02 breakout due to temperature degradation.




323aIcebank Chiller

  • Icebank under bar chillers should maintain a temperature range of 0 degrees Celsius to 0.3 degrees Celsius. Icebank chillers rely on the water bath partly freezing to create an ice reserve to keep the water bath chilled. If too cold the entire bath will freeze stopping any heat transfer through the water. If too warm the beer will become frothy and unstable creating unnecessary wastage and excessive beer head.




320aDispensed Beer

  • Beer dispensed into a glass should present at plus 2 degrees Celsius to plus 4 degrees Celsius. This is the optimum temperature range to achieve an even balance between cold beer, sensing flavour/aroma·and creating the recommended head size. This temperature range will also assist gradual C02 release as the beer warms contributing toward head retention and glass lacing.




242aKeg Pre Chilling Period

  • When using kegs in a temperature controlled environment (cool rooms & keg cabinets) the kegs should be pre chilled for 24 to 48 hours before use. Prechilling will ensure that when a new keg is tapped the beer will dispense at the correct temperature and perform as it is designed to. Under chilled kegs can cause CO2 break out resulting in frothy, warm beer creating unnecessary wastage and excessive beer head.


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BevTech Solutions specialise in the supply and installation of beverage dispense systems to the hospitality industry.

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